David Fletcher’s 1984 title on the 79th Armoured Division has been republished with a 21st Century makeover.
Originally published by HMSO in 1984 but out of print for many years, Vanguard of Victory: The 79th Armoured Division joins the growing number of David Fletcher’s early work to be republished by The Tank Museum.
The 79th Armoured Division was formed to develop and put into action a range of specialist armour that would lead the Allies in the invasion of France.
With Major General Percy Hobart in command, vehicles like the Sherman Crab and Churchill Crocodile would become known as “Hobarts Funnies” – making their battlefield debut on D-Day.
David looks at the history of specialised armour, the development of the vehicles that would see action, and examines the some of the actions in which they took part – all illustrated by newly rescanned images from The Tank Museum archive.